How To Make Home Smart?

How To Make Home Smart?

by | Jan 7, 2023 | Smart Home

Almost everything in your house- including lights, ACs, doors, geysers, etc can be linked to Wi-Fi and be easily controlled remotely with HomeMate Smart App. However, setting up a smart home can be difficult. Worry not, HomeMate is here to make complete home automation easy! In this article, you will get detail information on “How To Make Home Smart? ”There is a wide range of HomeMate products that work with certain home appliances and make them smart. Think, you can now turn on your geyser connected with a smart plug by just sitting on the bed. It only takes a touch on HomeMate smart app. 


How To Make Home Smart?

Let’s read in detail about how to make home smart below. 

1. Replace The Lights.

Lighting is basically the prime step in the home automation procedure as it is quite simple and cheap to update. As a result, smart lights can also be installed to control and improve the dim and low lighting, basically linking to an app to switch lights off and on or even change the brightness. You can try HomeMate led strip lights, downlights, and smart bulbs for the same!

HomeMate Smart lights are famous for their classy look and simplified setups. Lights connected with a hub or smart app and then plug into the sockets offer a variety of options and integrations. Such as voice control, controllable dimming/brightening, and scheduled timing.

2. Connect Devices To A Hub.

Choosing a hub is one of the best smart home ideas to take while you are upgrading your home with smart products. A smart IR can integrate almost all of your home devices and can start as cheap as 999 INR. 

Air conditioners, light switches, blinds, vents, security alarms, and related devices are examples of what you can connect with the Smart IR blaster. Once linked, custom routines such as turning on the home lights or turning off the music in the living room- can be set. 

Moreover, IR is one of the smart home gadgets, which can be completely managed via a smart app. A smart IR also comes with additional benefits such as giving commands like watching movies, setting timers, dialing phone calls, etc. 

3. Try Smart Cameras.

HomeMate smart cameras can help you make a secure home, smartly. With indoor PTZ and outdoor cameras, you can add a great level of safety to your residence. These smart cameras come with two-way audio features, which help you track and converse indoors while you are out of your place. Indeed, smart cameras are one of the must-to steps if you are thinking “how to make home smart?” Moreover, smart cameras are easily connected and operated through HomeMate Smart Application. Check how beneficial a smart camera can be for your home: 

  • Helps you in deterring crime. 
  • Easy set-up and installations
  • Real-time video recording
  • On connecting with the motion sensor, can send you alerts
  • Help you track kids/employees at home/workspace
  • Collects evidence

4. Switch To Video Doorbell.

The key benefit of a smart video doorbell is you get on-demand safety and convenience from a phone app. Home security is always a need, and luckily a smart video doorbell can instantly hold safety control via a phone. You can try HomeMate Wi-Fi smart video doorbell with a rechargeable battery and chime. It has the following features: 

  • ICR night vision and PIR motion detection
  • 2-way real-time audio
  • Less power consumption
  • Easy to set up and comes with one year warranty
  • 200 to 800uA standby current
  • Supported 1 key set
  • PIR motion detection
  • IP54 waterproof level

Trying the HomeMate Video doorbell is indeed a must-try smart home ideas. With this doorbell, you already know whos on the door without even opening it. This is made possible with a video doorbell. You can easily watch the video of your front door via Smart App by HomeMate. 

5. Install Smart Switches.

Unlike the old tic-toc switches, you can shift to smart switches by HomeMate. A smart switch can easily be operated via a smart mobile phone app. You need not to be close to the switch to operate it any more! Be you are anywhere, you can turn off/on or even schedule the switches as per your wish. A range of retrofit switches are available online. You can moreover invest in smart extension boards, smart plug and similar actuators for a smart home. 

To Conclude

Hope you got an answer to “How To Make Home Smart?With advancement in technology, people are changing to the new way of living i.e. smart living. With HomeMate products one can create a complete smart home. Imagine you can now control and schedule almost all of your appliances using one click on HomeMate Smart app. So, what are you waiting for? Be a part of technology era and order your smart home products today! For more details, check here.